viernes, 31 de agosto de 2018

Weblogicbeat - Weblogic Monitoring with ELK

I had a previous entry about the configuration of logstash to capture the diagnostic, out, log, access, and garbage collector logs . The idea of this entry is to explain a tool i just build to monitor a weblogic server using a custom beat of ELK (elasticsearh, logstash, kibana)

The tool is able to capture information about:
  • Server state and health
  • Memory use
  • Threads status
  • Datasource health and statistics
  • Applications health and statistics
This information is sent to elasticsearch and kibana for metric visualization.


- Download the tool from the releases link
- Edit the file weblogicbeat.yml with your configuration.

Sample configuration file
  period: 60s
  host: http://localhost:7001
  username: weblogic
  password: welcome1
  servername: server1
  datasources: ["EssDS", "EDNDataSource"]
  applications: ["ESSAPP", "sample-app"]
  • period: How often an event is sent to the output
  • host: Admin host and port
  • username: Weblogic admin user
  • password: Weblogic admin password
  • servernam: Name of the server to monitor
  • datasources: Array of datasources to monitor
  • applications: Array of applications to monitor
- Run the tool


After starting weblogicbeat all the information should be arriving to kibana (remember to create an index with the name "weblogicbeat*") I create a set of visualizations and one dashboard to show all the metrics about weblogic. 


If you prefer to compile your own version you can go to the github repo and follow the README instructions. (or change it as you want).

Links of interest