domingo, 2 de agosto de 2015

Oracle Bussiness Rules - Java API - BucketSet Creation

Hi, i made some test using the Oracle Business Rules java API. There is few documentation about OBR java API, so i think in sharing the code. 

You can use the example for three things:

 1. Creation of a list of values (LOV) BucketSet
 2  Creation of range BucketSet
 3. Loading dictionaries using custom finder class. (Probably the most important)

About the third one, over the internet i just found one example to load a dictionary and was using the DecisionPointDictionaryFinder. That don't work when you have one dictionary linked to another,  so i have to do my own implementation the ListRuleFinder (i recommend using it)


 Inside of the project

    LovFormBSUtil: List of values BucketSet creation class
    RangeFormBSUtil: Range of values BucketSet creation class

   ListRuleFinder: Custom dictionary finder
   DictionaryUtil: Class to load a dictionary from disk, and a function to validate a dictionary.

   Two linked and empty dictionaries.
   BucketSetTest: Tests
                           - Load of linked dictionaries using  ListRuleFinder
                           - Creation of a list of values BucketSet
                           - Creation of a range BucketSet

The output it's going to be in the target directory. To execute the maven project you need to configure the oracle.mdw variable.

(Tested in a 11g installation )

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